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Are you ready to be a parent?

When you become a parent, you get responsible for one more individual on earth. You are the one who should look after the child’s emotional and physical needs. Every child born is rightful for unconditional love and care from its parents. Hence, before becoming a parent, a man and his woman should ask themselves some crucial questions.

  • Is there relationship in a comfortable phase? 
  • Will it go on to give the necessary support to the forthcoming child? 
  • Is their financial position strong enough to support another member in the family? 
  • Does the environment they live allow them to nurture the child into a healthy and mentally sound person?

If a couple can get an ‘yes’ for the above basic questions, it is okay for them to proceed to bring an offspring to this world. On the other hand, if they are in a disadvantageous position as a parent, especially in regards to the above life facts, it is better to postpone their wish for a child.


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