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Ooppsss… Stretch marks!!!!

Pregnancy is one of the happiest moments in a woman’s life, but the stretch marks that come with it is not so heartening. You might have fine lines mostly in the areas prone to fat accumulation like breast, hips, arms, abdomen, tummy and thighs. They may develop due to hormonal changes or sudden fat loss in these regions. There are many chemical and surgical treatments available to remove stretch marks like vascular laser, fractional laser treatment, abdominoplasty (tummy tuck), etc. However, these treatments have a lot of risks attached and are expensive. It is always advisable to opt for safer home remedies which are as effective and a lot cheaper.  Here, loveubaby tells you how to get rid of stretch marks through home remedies, and medical treatments.

Is it possible to get rid of stretch marks?
It is not possible to get rid of stretch marks completely as they only get lighter
with time. Massaging creams, lotions, and oils cannot make the marks disappear but only turn your skin smooth and supple.
Over the months and may be years, the marks gradually turn into fine lines which are almost closer to your skin tone. Though you may have to bear the natural ‘battle scars’, they become less visible in three to six months after delivery

How to get rid of Pregnancy Stretch Marks
1. Use Natural Oils
Carrier Oil Options –
       Almond Oil
       Argan Oil
       Jojoba Oil
       Mustard Oil
       Coconut Oil
       Castor Oil
Essential Oil Options –
       Grapeseed Oil
       Hemp Seed Oil
       Avocado Oil
       Lavender Oil
       Rosehip Oil
       Evening Primrose Oil

Olive Oil: Olive oil moisturizes and exfoliates your skin. It also improves the blood circulation and removes stretch marks to a great extent 
       Take some oil in your palms and gently massage the area.
       Let it remain for 30 minutes so that the vitamins A, D and E in the oil are absorbed into the skin.
       Take a bath after the massage.
       Though it is a time-taking process, it gives you results when you follow it regularly.
       Or you can also prepare a mixture of olive oil, water and vinegar, and apply in the nights.
What You Have To Do with other oils
       Prepare a DIY moisturizer by mixing a few drops of your favorite essential oils with a carrier oil. Some recommended combinations are:
       Almond oil or coconut oil with grape seed and rosehip oils
       Castor oil or jojoba oil with evening primrose, hemp seed, and lavender essential oils
       Massage the affected area with this oil for a few minutes.
       Leave the oil on for as long as possible.
You can intensify the effect of the oils by wrapping the area in plastic sheets (e.g. klin wrap) and place a hot water bottle over it for a couple of minutes.
How Often You Should Do This
 Regularly apply this oil blend twice a day.

Why This Works
The oil massage will keep the skin moisturized, which increases its elasticity and helps to heal scars quickly. The carrier oils provide nourishment and hydration, whereas the essential oils provide antioxidants and healing compounds. The damage caused due to the stretching can be reversed if this remedy is used twice a day without fail.
2. Cocoa Butter
You Will Need
Organic cocoa butter or shea butter
What You Have To Do
Massage the affected area (like your tummy, chest, and thighs) with organic cocoa butter. You can also use shea butter.
How Often You Should Do This
Reapply either of the body butters twice a day.
Why This Works
Both cocoa butter and shea butter are rich sources of unsaturated and saturated fatty acids that are easily absorbed into the skin. They hydrate the skin and replenish the skin cells. Shea butter contains vitamins A and E as well, which improve the elasticity of the skin and prevent dryness. A combination of these two butters also works well for pregnancy stretch marks.
3.Aloe Vera
You Will Need
An aloe vera leaf
What You Have To Do
       Cut the aloe leaf and extract the gel.
       Apply it to the affected area and massage until it is absorbed into the skin.
       Do not rinse it away.
How Often You Should Do This
This remedy should be used twice daily.
Why This Works
This is one of the best natural methods to reduce the appearance of stretch marks. Aloe vera gel promotes healing and shows visible results in a few days. It also soothes the skin and keeps it hydrated. However, this remedy works for early-stage stretch marks only.

4. Petroleum Jelly

You Will Need
Petroleum jelly
What You Have To Do
Apply the petroleum jelly on the stretch marks and massage for 5-10 minutes.
How Often You Should Do This
Do this every night before going to bed.
Why This Works
Petroleum jelly is an occlusive agent, which means that it locks in moisture in the skin. This heals dry and stretched skin.

5. Dry Brushing
You Will Need
Body brush (with soft, natural bristles)
What You Have To Do
       Gently brush the affected area with the dry brush using circular upward motions.
       Continue brushing for 5-6 minutes.
       Shower as usual and apply a good moisturizer.

How Often You Should Do This
Repeat this every day before taking a bath.
Why This Works
Dry brushing stimulates blood and lymph circulation. This causes enough nutrients to reach the stretch marks. It also helps in easy and better elimination of toxins from the area. Dry brushing enhances the functionality of the oil and sweat glands and exfoliates the dead skin cells. This gives you smooth, soft, and blemish-free skin
Be very gentle with the brush around the pregnancy stretch marks as the skin is already irritated and sensitive.
6. Glycolic Acid
You Will Need
Glycolic acid cream
What You Have To Do
Use this cream on the affected areas as recommended on the box.
How Often You Should Do This
Reapply once or twice a day.
Why This Works
Glycolic acid is known to increase the collagen production in the skin. This helps to increase the elasticity of the skin, thus preventing the appearance of stretch marks after pregnancy. Glycolic acid is an AHA (alpha hydroxy acid), one of the main constituents of chemical peels.
Glycolic acid cream can be bought from medical stores. However, consult your doctor before using it.
7. Egg Whites
You Will Need
       1-2 egg whites
       A pastry brush
What You Have To Do
       Beat the egg whites lightly and apply with the brush on the affected areas.
       Let it dry naturally.
       Rinse with cool water and moisturize.
Add a couple of drops of coconut oil or almond oil to the egg white for added benefits.
How Often You Should Do This
Use this egg white pack every day for best results.
Why This Works
The enzymes in egg whites increase the skin’s elasticity, causing the stretch marks to fade away in due course of time.
8. Coffee Beans
You Will Need
      1/2 cup ground coffee beans
       2 tablespoons olive oil or coconut oil
What You Have To Do
      Mix the ground coffee and oil.
       Use this mixture as a scrub on the affected areas. Massage gently in circular motions for best results.
       Leave the scrub on for five minutes and then rinse with water.
How Often You Should Do This
The coffee beans scrub can be used 2-3 times a week.
Why This Works
The caffeine from the ground coffee can easily penetrate your skin and revitalize the skin cells by stimulating circulation. This, along with the olive oil, ensures that plenty of nourishment is supplied to the affected area to heal the stretch marks. Coffee also contains antioxidants that reverse the damage and offer photo protection.

9. Apple Cider Vinegar

You Will Need
      1 cup apple cider vinegar
       1/2 cup water
       Spray bottle
What You Have To Do
      Dilute the vinegar with water and pour it into a spray bottle.
       Spray it on the stretch marks and let it dry naturally.
       Leave it on overnight.
       Shower as usual in the morning and follow up with a good moisturizer.
How Often You Should Do This
Repeat this every night, before going to bed.
Why This Works
ACV is good for healing scars and blemishes. It works on the stretch marks and lightens them
If you have sensitive skin, add one cup of water to one cup of ACV. Further dilution will reduce the strength of the vinegar.
10. Baking Soda And Lime
You Will Need
       1 teaspoon fresh lime/lemon juice
       1 tablespoon baking soda
What You Have To Do
      Mix the ingredients and apply the mixture on the stretch marks.
       Let it dry for 10-15 minutes and then remove using a gentle scrubbing motion.
       Rinse with water.
How Often You Should Do This
Repeat this 3-4 times a week.
Why This Works
Baking soda is a natural skin exfoliator. It removes the layer of damaged and dead skin cells. Lemon (or lime) juice possesses skin bleaching properties that will fade away the stretch mark scars. Stretch marks can ruin your mood easily during an already difficult phase of your life. You want to concentrate on your baby and the happiness he/she will bring along. So, use these remedies and don’t let the stretch marks bother you anymore. As mentioned before, there are cosmetic treatments available in the market to remove stretch marks after pregnancy. We have outlined the main ones for you below.

The antiseptic property of honey works in reducing stretch marks.
       Take a small cloth and apply honey on it.
       Place the cloth on the affected area and let it remain until it turns dry.
       Rinse off using warm water.
       Or you can prepare honey scrub by mixing it with salt and glycerin. Apply it on the stretch marks, leave until it dries and rinse off using water.
12. Sugar
Sugar is one of the best remedies for stretch marks. It exfoliates your dead skin, and your stretch marks turn lighter.
       Take one tablespoon of sugar, mix with some almond oil and a few drops of lemon juice.
       Use it as a scrub before you go for a shower.
        Do this every day for a month.

13. Lemon Juice
The acidic property of lemon juice works in healing stretch marks.
       Rub fresh lemon juice on the affected area.
       Leave it for about 10 minutes so that the juice soaks into your skin.
       Rinse off using warm water.
       Apply every day for better results.
       Or you can also make a mixture of lemon and cucumber juice in equal proportions and apply it on the stretch marks.
14. Water
The skin should be well-hydrated to erase the stretch marks and other skin conditions. Consume at least 10 to 12 glasses of water every day to keep your skin hydrated and protected from toxins. It keeps your skin supple and restores its elasticity. Try avoiding tea, coffee and soda as they are dehydrating agents.
15. Apricot
       Deseed the fruit and cut into small pieces.
       Crush the fruit in a blender to make a paste.
       Apply on the stretch marks, leave for 15 to 20 minutes.
       Rinse off with lukewarm water and repeat regularly.
16. Potato Juice
Potato contains phytochemicals, polyphenols, and carotenoids, which improve the skin texture.
       Cut a potato into two halves and rub one-half over the stretch marks.
       Allow the juice to soak into the skin and let it dry.
       Then rinse off the area using lukewarm water.
       You can notice the difference in a few months.
        Or you can use potato juice or pulp.
17. Turmeric And Sandalwood
They are known for their ability to promote brighter and even skin texture.
       Prepare one spoon of sandalwood paste by rubbing sandalwood stick in a bit of water.
       Prepare a smooth paste of fresh turmeric root.
       Mix both in equal proportions and apply on the skin.
       Leave until it dries almost to 60% and then scrub your skin until all of it comes off.
       Repeat every day for at least six months to see the improvement.
18. Milk, Sugar And Green Coconut Water
Scrubs are effective in boosting the skin regeneration process, and they are one of best ways to remove stretch marks after birth of the baby.
       Mix two spoons of raw milk, a few drops of lemon juice and cucumber juice, half a spoon of sugar.
       Apply on the stretch marks and scrub for around five minutes in a circular motion.
       Rinse off with water and pat the area dry.
       Apply coconut water in excess and allow it to dry until you can sense the stretch on the skin.
       Then apply shea butter or aloe vera gel.
       After some time, rinse off the area and then apply moisturizer.
       You can use this remedy three times a week to help remove marks and lighten the skin.
       Repeat not more than 3 times a week.

19. Alfalfa

Alfalfa leaves are a great source of protein, essential amino acids, and vitamins E and K. Their antifungal property detoxifies the skin and helps heal the stretch marks.
       Prepare a smooth paste by mixing the powder with a few drops of chamomile oil.
       Massage it all over the stretch marks.
       Apply two to three times a day and you can notice stretch marks fading away within a week.
       Alfalfa powder is available in food stores.
20. Home-made Moisturizer
Moisturizer helps improve skin elasticity. You should choose it depending on your skin type. If your skin is dry, you should use the one with cocoa butter and if your skin is oily, use cream which contains aloe vera or a clay moisturizer.
        Mix olive oil, aloe vera gel and wheat germ oil in equal proportions.
        You can use it as a moisturizer if you have dry or combination skin type.
        The above mixture can be mixed with clay if your skin is an oily type.
21. Home-made Lotion:
        Take a quarter cup of aloe vera gel and a half cup of extra virgin olive oil.
        Extract oil from six vitamin E capsules and three to four vitamin A capsules.
        Mix all these ingredients, take in a glass bottle and store in the refrigerator.
        The natural stretch marks removal lotion can be applied every day.

22. Home-made Cream:
       Mix half a cup of cocoa butter, one tablespoon of vitamin E oil and two tablespoons of grated beeswax.
       You may add apricot kernel oil and wheat germ oil as well.
       Bring the mixture to boil until the wax gets melted.
       Store it in a bottle and refrigerate it.
       you can use every day.

How To Prevent Stretch Marks During Pregnancy?
There are no magical measures to prevent stretch marks during and post pregnancy. However, some things can help minimize the marks. The best option is to keep your skin healthy and hydrated so that it maintains its maximum elasticity.
1. Coconut oil
It is the best moisturizer for the skin. Take some, and massage on the stretch mark prone areas such as abdomen, breasts, thighs, hips, buttocks and lower back.
Usage: Massage until the oil is absorbed into the skin. Doing it twice or thrice a day will help. If not coconut oil, you can also massage with olive oil, avocado oil, shea butter, cocoa butter or any baby oil.
2. Castor oil
This is an age-old remedy for preventing many skin problems including wrinkles, fine lines, spots, blemishes and more. Its humectant property helps retain skin moisture. Therefore, it can also be used to put a stop to stretch marks.
Usage: Apply one thick layer of castor oil on the skin. Wrap it using a saran or plastic wrap. Use a heating pad or a hot water bottle on the area for some 20 minutes. Repeat it several times in a week. You can also mix the oil with almond oil for a thinner consistency.
3. Drink more water                   
One of the best ways to keep your skin hydrated is to drink enough water. It improves the skin elasticity and makes it less prone to tearing.
4. Nutritious diet
Include a balanced and nutritious diet rich in zinc, silica, vitamins C and E, and other nutrients that nourish the skin. Vitamin C regenerates connective tissue. Zinc synthesizes collagen and silica produces collagen. Try eating foods rich in these sources such as blueberries, strawberries, carrots, green beans, collard greens, spinach, and nuts.
5. Vitamin E
The powerful antioxidant protects the collagen fibers from being damaged by free radicals. It, therefore, strengthens collagen fiber and improves skin elasticity.
Include vitamin E-rich foods such as olives, almonds, spinach, sunflower seeds, avocados, pumpkins and more. You can also use vitamin E oil or skin cream.
6. Low impact exercises
Exercise is another way to improve your skin elasticity as it stimulates circulation. Moreover, you can also stay off from putting that extra weight.
You can include Kegels, simple stretches, and other movements only after checking with your practitioner. Pilates and yoga can also be helpful.
7. Apply sunscreen
Always make sure you use enough sunscreen before going out in the sun or swimming. Apply the lotion on your chest, belly, and sides, the areas where stretching may occur.
If you still develop stretch marks after pregnancy, take them positively. They will fade with time and appropriate care. Until then you can have them as a sweet memory of your pregnancy.
Which of the above remedies worked for your stretch marks removal? Share your experiences and ideas.

Exercise has a lot of benefits to your skin's health, but eliminating stretch marks is not one of them. Stretch marks are made up of scar tissue and can cover a large swath of skin. ... Stretch marks can still be treated to reduce and even eliminate their appearance, but unfortunately exercise has no positive effect.


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